A lecture on the past, present, and future of UK Higher Education

Crowd-sourcing ideas

Soonish, I will be giving a lecture on UK higher education to a large group of international students who come from Saudi Arabia, China, Iraq, Iran, France, Kuwait, Jordan, South Korea, Egypt, Brazil, Kazakstan, and more.

A lecture (Image from Wiki Commons)
A lecture (Image from Wiki Commons)

These students are mainly postgraduates, mostly in their mid-twenties, many have young children, and, generally, they have conditional EAP offers (English for Academic Purposes) to study Masters and PhDs in a range of disciplines, including: International Law, Chemistry, Philosophy, Nanotechnology, Immunology, Public Administration, Contemporary Chinese Studies, Business and Culture, Education, Theology, and Psychology.

I feel a great sense of responsibility.

With this post, I am therefore hoping to garner additional ideas, references, and suggestions from interested and experienced readers so that what I say to these young adults is not exclusively born of my experiences, understandings, and orientations.

Therefore, given the audience profile above, I am addressing this post to:

  • students (any discipline, secondary and tertiary, any nationality, age, social background): what would you want to know from a lecture on Higher Education in the UK (past, present, and future)?
  • academics, researchers, lecturers, professors: what would you want such a generation of students to know, knowing they could be on your Masters and PhD programmes?
  • parents: if your child were in the audience, what would you want them to know? And if you were in the audience, what would you want to know?
  • academic writing teachers, lecturers, researchers: what should I tell them about writing in the academy?
  • administrators, student services, international officers: what does a young, educated, international student need to know about your procedures and practices?

I’d love to hear from you either in the comments to this post, by tweet @serenissimaj or @EAPTutorJM, or by email: julia.molinari@nottingham.ac.uk

Depending on how this crowd-sourcing goes and on how the lecture turns out, I’ll write another post with an update, acknowledgements, slides, etc. I’ll also keep replies anonymous (if you want me to).